Kingston & GreyStarr to appear at The Parlour NYC...
The Upper West Side is about to get bedazzled by those two badass unicorns you've all been hearing about. Kingston & GreyStarr are set to perform 2 acts on Saturday Feb 10th at the Parlour on 86th and Broadway. It will be a night of New Wave with a heavy sprinkling of Punk and some good ole Rock N' Roll. Be prepared for badass music and a shit load of glitter...with an all star band featuring: Keith Roth, Derrek Hawkins, Bob Pantella and Frank Perri. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased through EventBrite.
Who are Kingston & GreyStarr? Created in a zebra-wallpapered room in Old Vegas, Kingston & GreyStarr began as Punky's Angels, the back-up singers for legendary guitarist Punky Meadows of Angel fame. They are now powerful front women as well as sought-after back-up vocal duo. And the rest is quickly becoming a purplish blur in the history of music.